First Baptist Church of Fountain Hills Sermons

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Series: False Teachers & Teachings Within The Church

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Speaker: Pastor Tony Pierce

Beginning this Sunday we will start a sermon series false teachers and teachings within the church. Last year we looked at the teachings of the major non-Christian religions and now we will look inside the organized “Christian” movement. In Acts 20: 30-31, Paul says, “Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.” It is the intent of this series to take a serious look at what is being taught as doctrine in the modern popular “Christian” movement. Here is the schedule of services for the first two months of 2013. (A special thanks to Hank Hanegraaff for the extensive research from his Christian apologetics ministry) January 6 Sermon titled “Turning Truth Into Mythology” January 13 Foreign missionaries Cliff & Beverly Vick January 20 Special prayer service for Sanctity of Human Life January 27 Sermon titled “Faith In Faith” February 3 Sermon titled “Little Gods” February 10 Sermon titled “Atonement Atrocities” February 17 Sermon titled “Wealth & Want” February 24 Sermon titled “Sickness & Suffering” March 3 Sermon titled “Back To Basics”

Sun PM2 Peter 3:14-18
Sun PM1 Timothy 4:1-2 & 2 Peter 2:1-2 & 18-19
Sun PM2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Sun PMPsalm 119:72
Sun PM2 Corinthians 5:21
Sun PMPsalm 8
Sun PMHebrews 11:1 & 6
Sun PMActs 20:28-32