sermons Series
By Pastor Tony Pierce
- "Progressive" Christianity: Fact or Fiction...
- This is a six week series teaching the difference between what some call "Progressive Christianity" and true Biblical Christianity. The objective of this series is to answer questions such as...Why does it matter- ...that God doesn't change? ...that the Bible is reliable? ...that Jesus is God? ...that Jesus was born of a virgin? ...that Jesus was resurrected? ...that Jesus is the Only Way?
- 1 & 2 Peter
- 1 & 2 Timothy
- Paul's Letters to Timothy
- 1 & 2 Timothy - 2024
- 1 John - Sunday PM
- 1, 2 & 3 John
- 7 I Am's Series
- The "7 I AM's" of Jesus recorded in the Book of John. This wonderful series reminds us of the truth that our Jesus is Eternal God!
- Amos
- And So It Begins...
- A study of the Book of Genesis: The beginning of many things is recorded in the Book of Genesis. Things such as: creation, our wonderful planet, the human race, the nation of Israel, God's plan for the redemption of humanity, etc. Unfortunately, the beginning of less desirable things are also recorded in the Book of Genesis. Things like: sin, murder, disobedience, the roots of the current Middle East name a few. The Book of Genesis is a book of beginnings. In fact, the word, genesis, means "beginning or origin."
- Being The Church
- Paul wrote this Epistle to a group of believers who are rich beyond measure in Jesus Christ, yet living, as spiritual beggars. The key verse is Ephesians 2:10… “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before-hand that we should walk in them.†This Epistle is written for us. Join us each Sunday morning as together we discover what the Lord has for His Church.
- Book of Esther
- Book of Ezekiel
- Book of Judges
- Cliche' Christianity
- Colossians
- Comparative Religion
- We will be looking at the teachings of the world's major relision and comparing them to Biblical faith.
- Ecclesiastes
- False Teachers & Teachings Within The Church
- Beginning this Sunday we will start a sermon series false teachers and teachings within the church. Last year we looked at the teachings of the major non-Christian religions and now we will look inside the organized “Christian†movement. In Acts 20: 30-31, Paul says, “Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.†It is the intent of this series to take a serious look at what is being taught as doctrine in the modern popular “Christian†movement. Here is the schedule of services for the first two months of 2013. (A special thanks to Hank Hanegraaff for the extensive research from his Christian apologetics ministry)
January 6 Sermon titled “Turning Truth Into Mythologyâ€
January 13 Foreign missionaries Cliff & Beverly Vick
January 20 Special prayer service for Sanctity of Human Life
January 27 Sermon titled “Faith In Faithâ€
February 3 Sermon titled “Little Godsâ€
February 10 Sermon titled “Atonement Atrocitiesâ€
February 17 Sermon titled “Wealth & Wantâ€
February 24 Sermon titled “Sickness & Sufferingâ€
March 3 Sermon titled “Back To Basicsâ€
- I & II Thessalonias
- If My People Who Are Called by My Name...
- James
- Jeremiah
- Job
- Jonah
- Kingdom Life
- The Book of Mattthew
- Old Testament Law
- Series of Three Sermons on this subject.
- Peter (1 & 2)
- Philippians (Tues. 2022)
- Psalm 103
- Radical Christianity
- Revelation
- Road To Financial Freedom
- The Stewardship Of Our Lives - Stewardship is a way of life for the believer and it touches every aspect of our lives. Giving of one's self to the Lord has never been a financial matter, it has always been a spiritual matter.
- Romans
- Romans 8
- This wonderful chapter found in the middle of Paul's great inspired work reminds us of what God had done for us in Christ Jesus, how God intends for us to walk, how God reveals His glory in all things, and how eternal is His love and salvation.
- Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5-8
- Teach Me To Know Your Ways Oh God
- In August, we will be looking at God's Word for us in Psalm 25:4-5. In this passage the psalmist prays that God would show him His ways, teach him, and guide him. The psalmist declares that God is his Savior and that he will wait upon the Lord. We desperately need to learn how to pray like this. We seem to have the mechanics of prayer down pretty well, what we need is to have the hearts for prayer. Join us each week as we look at a different aspect of these verses and together let's ask God to give us hearts for prayer.
- The Bible's Answer To Islam
- One of the fastest growing and most dangerous religious groups in the world today is Islam. What does it teach? What about radical Islam? How do we as Christians respond to Islam? Are Christianity and Islam compatible? Should we fear the growth of Islam? Are we at war with Islam? There are so many questions that we all have about this religion and the impact it is having in our world. As with any non-Christian faith system, we must be informed about the Islamic faith, and we must also be thoroughly equipped in our biblical faith.
- The Christmas Story Through The Bible
- In our morning services through the month of December, the Pastor will be sharing a series on the message of Christmas through the Bible. We will start in Genesis, then look at Psalms, the prophets and finish on Christmas day with a message from the Gospels. Join us as we celebrate the real meaning of Christmas.
- The Cross
- The Cross - Easter Series
- The Disciples Prayer
- Matthew 6:9-13
- The Gifts Of Christmas
- The Holy Spirit
- The Parables
- Jesus used the teaching method of the parables to share eternal truths in a way that His followers could understand. This series is intended to be very practical and applicable in our daily lives. Hear what story the Lord will have us share about His wonderful kingdom.
- The Rapture Series
- The Real War
- Using Your Senses
- During the month of November all of the messages in our Sunday morning services are going to require that we use more of our senses to help retain the message God has for us. Weekly, you will see an original art piece created by our own David Day that will relate to the message that morning. Our music ministry will present a special song that ties in with the message. And finally, the spoken word will be used to retain the message God has for you each week.
- What Faith Does
- Biblical faith like all other things with God begins in our hearts and should impact the way we live. Faith is not a mystical feeling or something that we intensely believe. In the month of November we will be surveying the book of James as we discover what faith does.
- What the Body of Christ Should Look Like
- For the next several weeks, during morning worship, we will be studying 1 Corinthians 12… What the New Testament Body of Christ should look like.
- What The Spirit Says To The Churches
- The messages that the Holy Spirit has for the churches found in Revelation 2 & 3... John's writings are relevant today to each fellowship of believers.
- Zechariah
By various speakers
- 1 & 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Smauel
- Amos (2022)
- As It Was In The Day Of Noah
- Biblical Worldview
- In the month of March we are focusing on having a biblical worldview and how to live what we believe. During this month we have several speakers in our Sunday morning services and will carry the teaching over to the evening services with Pastor Tony leading.
This month, Sunday morning services topics are:
Biblical Authority
Biblical Salvation
Biblical Forgiveness
Being Reconciled To The Bible Rather Than To The World & Ministering In The World Biblically
- Book of Daniel Series
- Book of Titus
- Daniel - 2019
- Dealing With Real Issue Biblically
- Ephesians Series
- Faith That Makes A Difference ~ Hebrews 11
- FIRST Family Series
- The Lord has blessed us with a tremendous church family here at FBC. If someone outside the church were to ask you what is FBC all about...what would you answer? Over the last serveral years we have had workshops on seeking God and asking Him for His vision for FBC, in October our staff had a retreat to deal with this very issue. For the first six Sundays in 2016, in the morning services, we will be sharing what we feel the Lord has called First Baptist to distinctly be in His Kingdom's work. Plan to be here each week as we pull all this together so that each member of our precious church will know and can share what God's leadership and vision is for our church.
- Galatians
- Galatians - 2017
- Galatians 2018
- taught by Ron Bodlander
- Galatians-The Gospel of Grace
- Genesis (summer 2023)
- Gospel of Mark
- Hebrews
- Hebrews (2016)
- Isaiah - RB
- Joshua
- Jude
- Jude - 2017
- Living Joyfully - Philippians Series 2021
- Patterns of Prayer
- Philippians - 2019
- Philippians - Sunday PM Series
- In our Sunday evening services starting January 8 we will begin a sermon series through the book of Philippians. You will see the great love of the Apostle Paul for the church of Philippi and for the church as a whole. He prays for them, encourages them, corrects them, and challenges them. Join us as we study this wonderful book each Sunday evening at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
- Portraits of Courage
- The Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6:13..."Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."
- Revelation (Tues 2021)
- Romans - Bible Study
- Spiritual Warfare
- Summer Sermon Series - The Day of Decision
- We began a new series of sermons on July 10th, 2016, entitled, "The Day of Decision." We are looking at different passages throughout the Bible where the Lord is calling His people to a place of decision...a place where He requires a decision. In our day and time we find ourselves called to a place of decision...a place where we are required to decide concerning the call of God for us. Please join us every Sunday as we search the Scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to decide for the Lord.
- Taking It Off The Page
- The Book of JAMES
- The Church Jesus Builds
- The Gospel of John
- The Lord Is...
- Discover who the Lord is to those He loves and belong to Him
- The Lord's Message...
- The Names Of God
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ
- Thessalonian Letters
- This We Believe
- Summer doctrinal series
- Thoughts for Prayer ~ Summer of Prayer
- Truth
- Unity Series - We're In This Boat Together!
- Once again the churches are joining together in teaching a series on sharing our faith, trusting the divine presence of Jesus and hearing Jesus.
- Words of Hope from Peter to the Church